Sketches From Mexico is a collection of 12 poems written as an afterthought to pass the time on the bus, for the most part. The poems are like postcards written in a blackout, and mailed at random to unknown people from the phone book.
Containing 12 poems in both English and Spanish, Sketches From Mexico isn’t Dante’s Inferno, Paradise Lost, or even Bukowski. It’s a cheap bag of magic marbles, a tiara from the thrift store, a lucky find on the sidewalk, seen from the corner of your eye at the last minute.
I don’t write poems anymore, I use them to pass the time. If they don’t turn into songs, I sprinkle them like confetti on my dreams, or arsenic in my coffee, as the case may be. Here are a few that escaped my brain from Mexico.
eBook $0.99
Published in February 2019, Watch For Melting Stars is my 3rd book of poetry and random writings, covering the period from 2013-2018. Mostly written inside a van with duct-taped windows, it charts my progress wrestling with sobriety, transience, and love while leading a psychedelic rockabilly band throughout the Western United States. From Boston-Tucson, Arkansas-Arizona, New Orleans-California, and everywhere in between, it is a living travelogue-in-progress.
Watch For Melting Stars is currently available as an eBook on Amazon. A print-to-order paperback will be available soon...
eBook on Amazon
Only $2.99!
Dancing on the Ceiling of My Existential Kitchen is my 2nd collection of poetry & random writings, mostly encompassing the period between 2005-2009 when I left Los Angeles for Boston & New York City, eventually settling in Austin, Texas.
In addition to poetry inspired by my first weeks & months in Austin, Dancing on the Ceiling of My Existential Kitchen includes anecdotes about busking in Brooklyn (Cop Utopia), visions of an oversexed, narcotic punk-rock hell (Siddhartha & Nancy), and assorted other forms of unrestrained randomness.
Unequal parts partially maddening & totally insane, Dancing on the Ceiling of My Existential Kitchen is available in both eBook and print-to-order hardcopy. Check it out today!
Print-to-order hardcopy only $9.95
eBook $1.98
Sideburns in the Sun is my first collection of poetry, consisting of some of my earliest work from the Chicago years (1995-2001), in addition to the period in which my muse was interested in all things L.A. (1999-2004).
Includes early, rambling pieces such as "Rat Food/All You Can Eat" (which title eventually inspired All The Diamonds You Can Eat), drugged-out mid-period indulgences like "Cough Syrup Soup," and finally culminating in 2 psychedelic masterpieces, "Zen AF" and "Cartoon Angels in a Fictional Paradise."
Aside from 4 hand-bound & painted chapbooks that were gifted away years ago, Sideburns in the Sun is only available as an eBook. Check out the greatest hits collection of the same name on Bandcamp (available by private download code only).